

Thursday, 3 July 2014

13: Pregnancy Journey Warded Day 3 Discharged

Early in the morning, nurse came to do CTG. And after breakfast, nurse and doctor came again. The doctor told me that I can discharged today! Yay!!!!!!!!! Happy me!
So I called husband who was at work. He will come to pick me up straight away.

12: Pregnancy Journey Warded Day 2

Nurse woke me up at 5.30am to do CTG. Sleepy mommy.. Alhamdulillah baby's heart rate normal. After that I breakfast and bed rest.
breakfast. yummy!!!
Doctor came around 10am. She informed that I needed to stay another 1 night. So, I just browsing Facebook and sleep all day. Yeah, it was bored! Nurse came at certain times to check baby heart rate & my blood pressure. She also helped me to do the counting (of baby's kicking). Husband came visited me at 5pm. I waited for him to had dinner together. 
dinner. husband finished them all
Me and husband then watched TV together and he left around 8.30pm. Hmm... I need to survive here for another night :-(

Thursday, 12 June 2014

11: Pregnancy Journey Warded Day 1

          Last Tuesday, my husband & I went to Sandakan to renew car insurance and road tax. We decided to stay a night there.
          On Wednesday, on the way back home, we stopped at Servey Hypermarket 'coz I want to survey baby stuffs. *My all-time favorite yeah!*. Suddenly I felt like wana pee..pee.. Oh shit, there was 2 blood spots! Instantly, I had no heart to continue shopping. I just wana go back home. I told husband, he advised to go to the hospital. Better safe than sorry.
          After reached Hospital Kota Kinabatangan, nurse asked me to change into hospital dress. I was brought to Dewan Bersalin to check baby's heart rate (CTG) & scan the baby.
I was lying next to this bed
dunno this for what..
          Doctor checked uterus to ensure placenta placed above or down. (If down, there was possibility that caused the blood spots). She checked the opening of the uterus (if any) and also if any cut down there. Luckily, everything were ok. The doctor suggested me to admit a night for monitoring. If tomorrow no blood I discharged.
mommy looking happy
1st class room. Thanks to husband
          Actually husband can stay with me (1st class room, remember? ehehe). Sadly, he need to work tomorrow so I was alone at night.
activity at night-watching Supernatural

Tuesday, 10 June 2014

10: Pregnancy Journey Daddy's Excitement

9. Pregnancy Journey Mommy Excitement

          Mommy is so excited (yet nervous) to welcome baby into our small family. Two days ago I washed baby gears (clothes, towels, blanket).
          I separated colored & white clothes, gather them into washing bag. And put the washing bag into washing machine. 
          All dry under the hot sun.
          Tadaaaaa... all done. 

Sunday, 8 June 2014

8: Pregnancy Journey Counting Baby's Kicks

          Starts from 28th weeks, I need to count my baby's kicks everyday. I must feel baby's movement minimum 10 times for 12 hrs; from 9am-9pm. This is how to do the counting. Let say baby kicks at 9am, it counts as one. But it doesn't count if he kicks again after 3 minutes. The gap must be between 15-20minutes. So after 15mins when he kicks again, it counts as two.

Thursday, 29 May 2014

7: Pregnancy Journey GDM

          On my 20th week of pregnancy, I needed to check my sugar content in blood. The procedure is named as MOGTT (Modified Oral Glucose Tolerance Test). So, what should I do? Firstly, of course to control sugar intake (to get the good result) and also, I need to fast start from 12 midnight before the procedure.
          The appointment was at 8am at Hospital Kota Kinabatangan. We arrived there around 8.40am. Nurse pricked my finger to get small blood sample before I required to drink a glass of 75ml of glucose (yucks!) until finished. 2 hrs later, I came back to the hospital to get my blood tested again (still fasting). Oh yes! Sugar readings were normal. Then we drove to KKIA to meet a doctor. The doctor informed that my sugar content was normal, baby inside also normal & active, his growth was ok. That's all for the day.
          On the 28th week of pregnancy, I needed to do the second MOGTT. Same procedure as before, went to hospital, drank glucose (still yucks!) and yada yada yada... (same as the above paragraph). However, yes, there was "however". Nurse at KKIA told me that my result showed high sugar content (the reading was 7.2mmol/L). She said I had higher chances to get GDM (gestational diabetes mellitus), or easier word to understand is diabetes during pregnancy.
          So, nurse advised me to come again after a week to re-check; it is called BSP (blood sugar profile). BSP means to check sugar (prick my finger again) 3 times; 1st at 8am, then 11.30am & last at 4pm. 
          On the next week, I did BSP & the results were normal. After the last blood test, I met the doctor. Surprisingly, he said my 2nd MOGTT was actually NORMAL. As he explained the reading shouldn't exceed 7.8 (remember mine was 7.2). So meaning here, the nurse gave me wrong info & I actually no need to do BSP. Hmm... I had wasted my whole day for the BSP. :-(. 
          The doctor scanned baby & he showed me baby doing ok inside. His weight has increased to 1.3kg. 
          Baby.. Mommy really can't wait to welcome u into our world.

mommy on 30th week of pregnancy

Monday, 26 May 2014

6: Pregnancy Journey Baby Not Active!

          I am 30 weeks pregnant. Yay!! I want to share things happenned on a few weeks back. 
          On 23.04.14 baby's movement wasn't active since last night. His movement very light and that really made me worried. I had talked to baby and rubbing my belly gently but his response still the same. He did moved but not like as usual. So, I wanted to go to KKIA to check if baby doing ok or not. 
          In the afternoon we went to KKIA. On the way, I could feel baby kicking me hard. Hmm... It seems he already active yet I wanted to be checked. Nurse examined baby's heartbeat using fetal dophtone & Alhamdulillah his heart rate normal. Baby even kicked the dophtone. Hehehe. 
          Nevertheless, nurse still want to further checked but there was no doctor available that day (doctor attending meeting in KK) so I was referred to Hospital Kota Kinabatangan to perform CTG monitoring. 
          Me, husband & escorted by a nurse went to the hospital. There, I was told that they will monitor baby heart rate via CTG & if everythings ok I could go home. Otherwise, I may need to stay a night (or more). 
          So, I was brought to Dewan Bersalin & nurse switched on the CTG machine. Baby's heart rate was monitored for 10minutes. I was glad that I could feel his kicking & movement while been monitored. After done, doctor said the graph showed normal result. Then doctor scanned to see him inside. Oh, baby started to move & turn around. 👍. Doctor told me that he could arrange if I wanted to stay a night for monitoring but since I saw baby doing ok, I said 'No need'. 

Friday, 11 April 2014

5: Pregnancy Journey Baby Boy or Girl?

          My scheduled scan in KKIA will be on 12.05.14. However, husband seems impatient to wait the date. So he proposed to go to private clinic to scan our baby.
          On Tuesday (8.04.14) we went to Klinik Dr Siti & Surgeri located at Bandar Sri Perdana. 
          So, baby boy or baby girl??? 

          Yes, he is a boy!!!!! He's very active swimming & rolling inside! Even the doctor also could feel him moving. I am very grateful that baby doing great. 
          Oh ya, it also means now we can call him his name :-). BabyN.. like daddy always says to u "baby be kuai kuai"... 
         Mommy & daddy love u, sayang.. 

Friday, 4 April 2014

4: Pregnancy Journey Monthly Check-Up 22 Weeks

          On 1.04.14, I went to Klinik Kesihatan (KK) in Sg Buloh for monthly check-up.  Oh ya, I've been in kampung in Peninsular Malaysia (to be exact = in Petaling Jaya) since 18.03.14 to attend my younger brother's wedding.
         Alright, back to my story. I have appointment (made by KKIA in Kinabatangan) at 8am. So, knowing there would be terrible traffic jam, I woke up at 6.30am and get ready by 7am. Me and my mother were about to go out of home when I saw (from window) cars were queuing not moving and honks to each other. I looked at the clock, it was 7am but I confident that I could not make it. Therefore, I woke my father up and asked him to send me (by motorcycle). We got out at 7.30am and managed to reach KK at 8am.
          Wondering where my husband was at that time? He already back in Sabah. He only stayed for 1 week. So, that was my 1st time going check-up without him.. Sob..sob..
          After put my antenatal book, I need to wait for my name. Not long, I was given a number and to wait again. My number been called, nurse took weight and blood pressure readings, a standard procedures in KKIA.
everybody waiting for numbers to be called
          Nurse informed that I needed to go to Room no.17 to take blood and then proceed to lab to get the blood result before to put the result in front of Room no.13. Sounds confusing? So many rooms to go...

          I've been waited like forever at the Room no. 17. Unlike in Kinabatangan, everything was slower here and made me tired of waiting. Luckily I brought novel so I could read.          
blood taken at the arm
After I get the blood and urine results, I walked to Room no.13 and waited (again) for my number to be called. 

          Nurse did regular check-up. She used a tool to hear baby’s heartbeats (it looks like a mouse; not mouse-the-animal but mouse used to move your cursor). I was excited hearing the heartbeats and made me impatient to see my baby!
          Thereafter, nurse informed that I required a tetanus injection. Hohohoho... the second injection for the day! Anyway, anything for you, baby!
          The check-up was done at 10.30am. Meant I spent 2.5 hours there. Next appointment will be on 30.4.14 in my place in Sabah again. No more waiting for long and most important, I will have my husband company me.

Sunday, 30 March 2014

3: Pregnancy Journey Quickening

          I felt the first quickening on my 17weeks of pregnancy. It felt like balloon small bubbling inside. At first I was not sure if that was baby's quickening. But as day passes by, it increasingly felt.
          During the first weeks, I notice baby moves (or kicks) regularly at 10.30am, 12.30pm, 2-3pm and midnight. In the morning, I shall sit on the sofa, watching TV while waiting for baby's movement. It feels so beauty that I cannot describe using words. I'm happy until feel lazy to get up to prepare lunch. Hahaha..Sorry husband! It because during the early baby movement, I must sit still to feel him/her.
          Now at my 21weeks and 6days, I can feel baby movement stronger each day. And I no need to sit still to feel him/her. The baby will kick me at anytime especially when he/she is hungry (I guess) because after I eat the kicking will be slower.
          Baby ... baby... hope you doing good inside. Mommy & Daddy love you..

Thursday, 27 March 2014

2: Pregnancy Journey Open Book

          My husband & I went to KKIA in the morning. Oh, in Sabah they're using white book not red book for expectant mothers.

          I had another scanning. The baby was 10weeks & 2days and his/her measurement was 36mm. So far I had no simptom-simptom ibu mengandung seperti drama Melayu di televesyen. No vomiting, only mild headache.
          Next appointment was scheduled next month. There was nothing much to tell now because I had no "special" things happened to me during this 1st trimester. :-)

Monday, 17 February 2014

1: Pregnancy Journey

  • 23.11.2013 - UPT positive
  • 26.11.2013 - Private clinic & Hospital
     We decided to go to clinic on Tuesday (26.11.2013) to confirm the pregnancy. After been checked by the doctor, she informed that I might be pregnant for 5weeks. Since she learnt that I have history of ectopic pregnancy, she wrote a letter & referred me to Hospital Lahad Datu. She asked me to go to the hospital on the same day. She didn't want to risk my another (and the only) tube if ectopic pregnancy re-occur. *She referred me to the hospital because she could not see the baby inside my womb.
     At the hospital, again doctors scanned me via abdominal & transvaginal scan (TVS) but could not see the baby. They said might be the baby still small. But they didn't want to risk my reproductive system, they made an appointment with a gynecologist on the next day.

  •  27.11.2013 - Hospital; O&G (Obstetrics& Gynaecology) 
      We went to the hospital. The doctor scanned, but same as previous day; nothing seen inside my womb. I had no bleeding, no stomach pain unlike my last pregnancy (the ectopic), therefore the doctor scheduled next appointment after 14 days.

  • 11.12.2013 - Hospital; O&G (Obstetrics& Gynaecology) 
      Yay, there is a sign of pregnancy!!! And it's inside my womb. :-). However, no heartbeat detected. Next appointment after 3 weeks.
  • 30.12.2013 - Hospital; O&G (Obstetrics& Gynaecology) 
      There is my baby & his/her heart rhythm is normal. Doctor said I no need to come to the hospital anymore since baby doing ok. I was 9 weeks 1 day pregnant & the baby measurement was 24.2mm. I was advised to continue check-up at Klinik Kesihatan Ibu & Anak (KKIA).

     Earlier I had made an appointment to open Buku Merah at KKIA on 8.01.2014.

husband fall asleep while waiting. LOL

Wednesday, 1 January 2014

Ectopic Pregnancy : PART III (Diagnostic Laparoscopy)

          This post has been inside Draft for months. It's because I don't have guts to publish it. Not until now.. :-). [Recap from Part I & Part II].
          At 5.30pm, they took my blood to repeat the Beta HCG test. I really appreciate for my husband's patience & support. He never fail to visit me everyday at noon & evening. At the very last minutes, I still hope & prayed my baby would safe.
          Next morning, the doctor told me my pregnancy hormone increased from 4,86++ to 7,9++. He told me that they would perform laparoscopy examination to remove the pregnancy but before that, they would scan me again (for the 3rd times!) before they concluded the diagnosed. I was asked to change into operation gown. 
          This time I was freaking scared. I called my husband but sadly, he could not come because it wasn't visiting time yet. I asked my husband to let my parents know.
          After scanned, the doctors found the embryo was implanted at my left tube. He showed me the screen... the embryo was very small, he measured it only 2.1cm. So the diagnosis; left tubal pregnancy. They would perform diagnostic laparoscopic to remove the tube together with the pregnancy. And they would do it today! 
          The doctors advised that I could undergo the operation today because I had not eaten anything since last night. Nurse injected & dripped water. Note: It was pain when nurse injected the drip because my bloodstream was too small. Until she need to change to a smaller drip. *Jarum lagi besar daripada salur darah. LOL*.
          At visiting time 12.30pm, my husband came.
dah tukar baju operation
          At 4pm, I brought to OT. I was given general anaesthetic (GA) to make me unconscious during the procedure. And that's all... the baby had been removed together with my left tube.

          Now I'm surviving with only 1 tube (the right one). Doctors advised that I could try to conceive again after 6 months. And he also told me to go to the hospital once suspecting I'm pregnant again.

Ok, stop the sad story.. Now I'm 10 weeks pregnant after 5 months operation! Oh, how then?? As doctors advised to wait for 6 months... :-). I shall continue my story in the next entry.