

Tuesday, 23 April 2013

I Am His & He Is Mine

It has been 8 weeks & 3 days since me & him officially declared as a Husband & Wife. The memorable date was on 23.02.2013. *since I post the date here, hopefully he will not forget it. LOL..*

How fast time flies. And it also means that I haven't meet him for 7 weeks & 5 days (yes, no typo, you read it right).

4 days after solemnization, he flew back to Sabah. And yup, he is Sarawakian who is working in Sabah. 
Talking about our relationship, actually we had been in distance relationship after he graduated in 2006. So we have used to it. However, phone calls & SMSes are everyday.. Just like those days. But this loooooong (very long huh) distance relationship will not last forever as I will be moving to Sabah before fasting month, this year of course! (InsyaAllah). Hoorey... we will start our small family there :-)

Dear Abang, I know you will read this post (because i will force you to!). I love you so much & can't wait to be with you... I miss you, ya... XOXO..


  1. wahh...lps ni jd org sabah la yea...

    1. hi yati.. yeah, next month i will be moving there. not to say that i will become sabahan because sometimes i stil use northern slang such as "hang" "awat" etc. hehehehe. aku ajaq husband bhsa utara, dia ajaq aku bhsa sabah & sarawak. nnt bila dah ada rezeki ada baby multibahasa la depa. kekekeke...
