

Sunday, 30 March 2014

3: Pregnancy Journey Quickening

          I felt the first quickening on my 17weeks of pregnancy. It felt like balloon small bubbling inside. At first I was not sure if that was baby's quickening. But as day passes by, it increasingly felt.
          During the first weeks, I notice baby moves (or kicks) regularly at 10.30am, 12.30pm, 2-3pm and midnight. In the morning, I shall sit on the sofa, watching TV while waiting for baby's movement. It feels so beauty that I cannot describe using words. I'm happy until feel lazy to get up to prepare lunch. Hahaha..Sorry husband! It because during the early baby movement, I must sit still to feel him/her.
          Now at my 21weeks and 6days, I can feel baby movement stronger each day. And I no need to sit still to feel him/her. The baby will kick me at anytime especially when he/she is hungry (I guess) because after I eat the kicking will be slower.
          Baby ... baby... hope you doing good inside. Mommy & Daddy love you..

Thursday, 27 March 2014

2: Pregnancy Journey Open Book

          My husband & I went to KKIA in the morning. Oh, in Sabah they're using white book not red book for expectant mothers.

          I had another scanning. The baby was 10weeks & 2days and his/her measurement was 36mm. So far I had no simptom-simptom ibu mengandung seperti drama Melayu di televesyen. No vomiting, only mild headache.
          Next appointment was scheduled next month. There was nothing much to tell now because I had no "special" things happened to me during this 1st trimester. :-)